AI Tutor

Succeed in Finance Interviews

Practice interview questions that will be asked in every
investment-banking interview with personalized AI generated evaluation and feedback

AI Tutor

Succeed in Finance Interviews

Practice interview questions that will be asked in every
investment-banking interview with personalized AI generated evaluation and feedback

AI Tutor

Succeed in
finance interviews

Practice interview questions that will be asked in every
investment-banking interview with personalized AI generated evaluation and feedback


Revolutionize Your Learning Experience

Revolutionize Your Learning Experience

Technical Foundation

Technical Foundation

Interactive study material that has helped more than 100.000 students land highly sought-after investment banking & private equity jobs at tier-1 firms

Interactive study material that has helped more than 100.000 students land highly sought-after investment banking & private equity jobs at tier-1 firms

Interactive study material that has helped more than 100.000 students land highly sought-after investment banking & private equity jobs at tier-1 firms


Questions are generated based on your own CV. Practice by speaking, writing, or recording a video, and get customized feedback on your performance.

Questions are generated based on your own CV. Practice by speaking, writing, or recording a video, and get customized feedback on your performance.

Questions are generated based on your own CV. Practice by speaking, writing, or recording a video, and get customized feedback on your performance.

Get The Offer

AI financeprep students are 70% more likely to get an offer at respective firms.


What Students Say

Read what our satisfied customers have to say. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and value their feedback.

Read what our satisfied customers have to say. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and value their feedback.

Read what our satisfied customers have to say. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and value their feedback.

  • Previously, I used to study by reading through some random IB prep guides, which was very timeintensive. AI financeprep allowed me practice the actual questions that also came in my interview at Goldman Sachs, which were personalized to my CV

    John Matthews

    Associate - Goldman Sachs

  • Using this app I was able to cancel my private tutor as the feedback and explanations I got for each question were so helpful and personalized to me. I highly recommend it to anyone planning on breaking into finance.

    Susan Murphy

    Intern - Blackrock

  • Previously, I used to study by reading through some random IB prep guides, which was very timeintensive. AI financeprep allowed me practice the actual questions that also came in my interview at Goldman Sachs, which were personalized to my CV

    John Matthews

    Associate - Goldman Sachs

  • Using this app I was able to cancel my private tutor as the feedback and explanations I got for each question were so helpful and personalized to me. I highly recommend it to anyone planning on breaking into finance.

    Susan Murphy

    Intern - Blackrock

  • Previously, I used to study by reading through some random IB prep guides, which was very timeintensive. AI financeprep allowed me practice the actual questions that also came in my interview at Goldman Sachs, which were personalized to my CV

    John Matthews

    Associate - Goldman Sachs

  • Using this app I was able to cancel my private tutor as the feedback and explanations I got for each question were so helpful and personalized to me. I highly recommend it to anyone planning on breaking into finance.

    Susan Murphy

    Intern - Blackrock


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI tutor?

How does an AI tutor work?

What are the benefits of using AI financeprep?

Does AI financeprep include behavioural and personal fit questions?

Does AI financeprep include technical questions?

How much finance knowledge is ideal to make the most out of AI financeprep?

What is an AI tutor?

How does an AI tutor work?

What are the benefits of using AI financeprep?

Does AI financeprep include behavioural and personal fit questions?

Does AI financeprep include technical questions?

How much finance knowledge is ideal to make the most out of AI financeprep?

What is an AI tutor?

How does an AI tutor work?

What are the benefits of using AI financeprep?

Does AI financeprep include behavioural and personal fit questions?

Does AI financeprep include technical questions?

How much finance knowledge is ideal to make the most out of AI financeprep?

AI Finance Interview Preparation

AI Finance Interview Preparation

AI Finance Interview Preparation

AI financeprep is the leading AI-driven finance interview tutor to transform your interview preparation and secure top offers

AI financeprep is the leading AI-driven finance interview tutor to transform your interview preparation and secure top offers

AI financeprep is the leading AI-driven finance interview tutor to transform your interview preparation and secure top offers

AI financeprep

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